My heart seems to feel heavier,
This wound that had been hidden all this while,
Is coming up to the surface once again,
This same wound that was always thrown a blanket over,
So that only that shiny silk cloth is shown,
And the loathing sight of the gash is kept under,
That same blanket is now slowly being dragged,
Inch by inch,
Uncovering what was supposed to be treated ago,
But now has cultivated bacteria,
With fungi grown, morel seeping through, yeasts creating a home of its own,
Sucking every ounce of blood available from this hulk.
Living a life differently from others,
Is that wrong?
Making mistakes at times and asking forgiveness later,
Is that wrong?
Being genuine in words and action,
Is that wrong?
Feeling something so pure, when once let go, it shatters,
Is that wrong?
Wanting to feel warmth, even for a few minutes,
Is that wrong?
The need to spread love and support without being doubted,
Is that wrong?
Then why ask??
Why ponder?
Why doubt?
Why hesitate?
Why reject?
I knew humans were so complicated,
I knew there would be no way to bring a change,
Even the slightest,
The least pressure applied will be forced out by them,
I knew that any slight closure will bring only hurt and regret,
I knew every single moment spent will be wasted at the end of the day,
Knowing that there will be nil benefit either way,
Yet I held on,
I held on to the hope that there is some light out there,
Some soul with a little practicality,
Or just some common sense,
I thought there was,
I guess I was wrong.