Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I am deprived of feeling, stripped away from the power of motion. As you grow older, the sense of taste seem to disappear, receptors seem to have a sudden shock where it just loses contact with the brain and is disabled from producing any hormons - good or bad. But surprisingly, the presence of the mind in the sense of thinking, seem to get more active. Oh gosh, this is getting boring. Let me just cut the chase and come black and white. I feel I want to commit murder. I need blood. Something so drastic that would snap me out of my insensitive receptors. I feel I want to commit adultery. The core fulfilment of carnal desires might instil a rush of adrenaline - lustful adrenaline, waking me from my cloudy thoughts and completing all wishes that were left unresolved those years. I feel I want to bash the devil out of some bad apples of the society. Starting with this so called friend of mine. That is a whole other chapter to discuss about. Bashing would express too much of my feelings out and could be too extreme, but what the heck? I keep whacking my opponents in protected vests and shin guards which I'm soon going to fall dead bored of the extra shield. Well, I guess that's all I feel at the moment. Now, my friend Hemaraj is allowed to read it first, officially.

PS : If anyone found this an extreme boredom, well then go fuck yourselves.

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