Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I remember the times we had,
I spent most of those times together with you,
Shed tears, wept my sweat,
Laughed my utmost humour out,
Smiled, smirked, farted,
Those months, those days,
Those special moments,
Passed us by so fast,
Well for me, at least, it did.

I know I may act before thinking,
I know how sensible and mature you are at controlling your emotions,
Yes you have build yourself a sort of defence mechanism that only you hold of the remote control,
But, I,
I am mere human being,
Be it the fact that it takes effort to bring me down,
Be it the fact that how much objections are thrown at me yet I pull through,
Be it the fact that no matter how many times I fall,
I know exactly how to stand up again,
But the journey to actually stand up again honey,
I need you,
A place to pour my sorrows out, I need a mattress I can befall on,
An assurance of a safety net before I decide to make that suicidal jump,
All in all Mahaad, I need you.

Since you have made that gap between you and I the moment you chose to say that I was not equipped with enough maturity,
Since then have I decided to cut of that very safety net,
Burn that very mattress that was my comfort every single night before bed,
To let you go from my heart and soul,
To fire you from being the captain that directs when I'm lost at sea,
You have left me no choice,
Dishearteningly and unwillingly take you from the very thing I turn to when I've left no other way.

I loved you, honey.
I always did.
As a friend, as a lover, as a wife,
Thank you for being there when I needed someone.

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